i really enjoyed the exhibitions in the 'danish museum of art and design' in copenhagen, dk. especially the one about 'danish design
– from the 20th century' (you could download the exhibition catalogue here)
the most i liked the showroom full of 'arne jabobsen' design::
most of those pieces have been designed for the 'sas royal' hotel (1955-60) in downtown copenhagen, dk::it's still there. i've checked.::
check out 'room 606' (from hotel's website)::
:: room 606 is the only hotel room with the original arne jacobsen décor from july 1960 when the hotel first opened its doors. with the grey, blue-green colors, the wengé wood and a selection of the most representative furniture designed for the hotel, this room takes its visitors to another time and place. room 606 functions as a regular guestroom and is a must for arne jacobsen fans and design lovers ...
hotel guests with an interest in design are welcome to visit room 606, when it is available. arne jacobsen designed the famous egg and swan chairs for the royal as well as the lesser known and rare drop chair... ::
nice. maybe next time i should stay there...
nice 60's design
5:41 PM
50's lamp
isn't this a real 'classic' modern design? a lamp designed in 1958::
i would like to have one of those in my living room...
these are the original collages in the 'danish museum of art and design' in copenhagen, dk::
story behind the product (from louispoulsen.com)
:: the 'ph artichoke' is considered to be a classical masterpiece made by poul henningsen (called 'ph') more than 40 years ago. the structure is made of twelve steel arches. on this structure ph placed 72 copper “leaves” in twelve circular rows with six blades in each row. because each row is staggered from the previous, all 72 leaves are able to “cover for each other”. this design allows viewing the fixture from any angle without being able to see the light source located in the center of the 'ph artichoke'. the original 'ph artichokes' were developed for a restaurant in copenhagen called the 'langelinie pavilion', and they are still hanging there today. ::
lamp:: ph artichoke (original:: ph kogle = "conifer cone")
design:: poul henningsen (dk, 1958)
by:: louis poulsen (copenhagen, dk)
11:15 AM